Local Management

Programmed & managed locally via the receiver’s push buttons and display. This system is ideal for small sites with a low turnover of users. No software is required.

Each user has a position in the receiver’s memory. A list is kept of what name is in what position. For example, if John Smith loses their transmitter, the manager looks up John Smith in the list and sees they’re in position 6.

They then enter the password of the receiver to enter programming mode, scroll up to number 6, and press a button to delete the memory in that position. The lost transmitter will no longer work, and a replacement transmitter can be added in its place.

The receivers also have inputs for proximity readers, meaning proximity cards and tags can be managed in the same way.

Dual technology (transmitter and proximity) devices are also available. So, for example the device can be used to open a gate (transmitter), and release locks on doors (proximity), without needing to carry 2 separate devices.

The transmitters and proximity devices are very high security and cannot be cloned, unlike competitors’ systems. They can also have the installers company logo printed on them and a unique ‘installer code’ inserted into them. The installer code ensures all future sales, as the receiver will only accept new transmitters/proximity devices with that installer code.

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